Grace | Galena Newfoundland Leonberger

Grace is a Newfoundland Leonberger mix from Galena and graduate of Homestead Dogs 2-day Dog Training Camp class

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A Newfoundland Leonberger dog sitting obediently during training

Grace is a Newfoundland Leonberger mix from Galena, Ohio and a Graduate of Homestead Dogs Basic Dog Training Camp. Great, Grace!


Canada’s northeastern most province is Newfoundland and Labrador. Labrador is within continental Canada while Newfoundland is a large island off the southeast coast. Two dogs hail from Newfoundland and Labrador, one, the Labrador Retriever, gets all the press and is the planet’s favorite dog. It would be tough for anyone to share the headline with that. The Newfoundland is up to the task.

As with many dog breed names, seems humans put more effort into naming boats than to a species that does so much. The Labrador Retriever originated in Newfoundland and Labrador on the island of Newfoundland. The Newfoundland, naturally, originated in the geographic region of Labrador.

It takes a hearty being to populate the north Atlantic region, particularly working the seas. And for the seafarers of the time, the Newfoundland was a vital teammate. Standing over two feet tall, the Newfoundland can bulk up to a powerful 150 pounds with a slick, oily coat appropriate for the cold, turbulant seas.

Not only was the Newfoundland a mild-tempered and loyal shipmate, they pulled their weight on board…literally. They helped with loading and unloading of cargo as well as lending a tooth to pull in the fish nets.

Newfoundlands are also amazing swimmers. While their coat insulates them from the frigid temperatures, their powerful build and increased lung capacity enable them to endure hours in the seas. Many a sailor owe their lives to Newfoundlands that dove in the water and pulled them to safety.

Trainability: B
These gentle giants love their pack and needs daily interaction. Newfoundlands are smart, affectionate and trusting and a little training and socialization will enable them to grow to a mild-mannered companion.

Read more about the Newfoundland on the American Kennel Club, The Labrador and Newfoundland Heritage and The Newfoundland Club of America.


In product development, brand name translations can be problematic, leading sometimes to misunderstandings and embarrassing consequences…then sometimes, things just fall into place.

The town of Leonberg, Baden-Wurttemberg, a state in southwest Germany bordering France and Switzerland, is home to Mercedes-Benz and Porsche. It also is home to Wilhelma, a royal estate turned zoo and gardens, the 19th-century Hohenzollern Castle in the southern Swabian Alps and the Black Forest.

Back then, many European states and cities had a town crest, Leonberg’s prominently featured a lion silhouette. Short on lions, the town mayor, and dog breeder, set out to create a dog that looked like the crested lion and was a superior companion dog a royal family would buy.

To obtain the size and coat, specifically the thicker mane, the mayor mixed two of the biggest working breeds, a St. Bernard and a Newfoundland…and it didn’t disappoint. This massive breed has fur on top of fur and sheds…a lot, not including the bi-annual super-shedding undercoat event. And a super companion that loves time with their family.

With their lineage, though, they were also popular with the common folks as their massive frame could pull some significant weight. Unfortunately, this same skill made them popular options during both world wars to haul ammunition carts. These events nearly wiped them out.

But “Leos” survived, and the dog that sounds more like the house specialty sandwich has earned a plaque of their own.

Trainability: B-
Leonbergers live to please their pack and are highly intelligent making dog training easily effective. Their size can make integration into society a little more challenging. A heavy dose of socialization training in a variety of environments and scenarios before the age of two builds confidence through experience. With some advanced training, Leonbergers make for great therapy dogs.

Read more about the Newfoundland on the American Kennel ClubThe Leonberger Club of America.

Some of the information used for the dog breed descriptions was gathered from the American Kennel Club at


Newfoundland Leonberger

Homestead Dogs University Camp Graduate
Date of Birth December 20, 2019
September 17, 2021
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Winnie | Galena Australian Shepherd

Winnie is an Australian Shepherd from Galena, Ohio and a graduate of the Homestead Dogs 2-week Overnight Basic Dog Training Camp

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An Australian Shepherd laying obediently in the grass

Winnie is an Australian Shepherd from Galena, Ohio and a graduate of the Homestead Dogs 2-week Overnight Basic Dog Obedience Training Day Camp. Way to Go, Winnie!

Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherds are tireless, high-energy dogs and are one of the world’s best herding breeds. They are highly intelligent and very responsive to training.

Like French Fries, you might expect the Australian Shepherd to reign from Australia. But, like French Fries, they’re not. The progenitor of the Aussie is the Pyrenean Shepherd. The Pyrenean Shepherd hails from the Pyrenees Mountain region between France and Spain, home to the indigenous Basque people. Escaping centuries of regional conflicts, some Basque found their way to Australia where they crossed their Pyrenean Shepherds with a variety of imported British breeds to enhance their herding capabilities.

On the move again, some Basque found their way to the United States west coast later in the 19th century. California ranchers instantly fell in love with this new breeds’ amazing herding traits and high intelligence…and an assumption they were from Australia. A better name for this breed might have been, the American Shepherd.

Trainability Grade: B

Early socialization and obedience training are tremendously beneficial for the Australian Shepherd. Aussies frequently end up in rescue situations when the dog can’t constructively channel it’s boundless energy. Aussies develop a strong bond to their families and can be territorial and overprotective of their owners and property. They can become destructive if left without companionship for long periods of time. Fortunately, that loyalty combined with keen intelligence makes them very easy to train.

Learn more about Australian Shepherds at the American Kennel Club and The United States Australian Shepherd Association.

Some of the information used for the dog breed descriptions was gathered from the American Kennel Club at


Australian Shepherd

Homestead Dogs University Camp Graduate
Date of Birth February 28, 2019
October 1, 2020
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Murphy | Galena Golden Retriever

Murphy is a Golden Retriever from Galena, Ohio and a graduate of the Homestead Dogs 2-week Overnight Basic Dog Obedience Training Camp

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A Golden Retriever laying on the ground and playing with a ball

Murphy is a Golden Retriever from Westerville, Ohio and a graduate of the Homestead Dogs’ 2-Week Overnight Basic Dog Obedience Training Camp. You da Man, Murphy!

Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is one of the most popular dogs in the United States. Outgoing and eager-to-please, the Golden Retriever is a great family dog that loves to play and maintains a puppy-ness well into adulthood (a trait also common in human males).

Golden Retrievers were first bred in Scotland as a hunting dog better suited to the regional rugged terrain. The breeder crossed a Yellow Retriever with the now-extinct Tweed Water Spaniel with some Irish Setter and Bloodhound mixed in. When Golden Retrievers first appeared at a British Dog Show in 1908, hunters loved the dogs utility and stamina, show dog enthusiasts loved their natural beauty, and everyone loved their sweet temperament.

As a sports dog, Golden Retrievers love lots of activity and make great bike, hike and run companions.

Trainability Grade: B+

Golden Retrievers live to please their owners, are outgoing and extremely loyal making Goldens very trainable.

You can read more about Golden Retrievers at the American Kennel Club and the Golden Retriever Club of America.

Some of the information used for the dog breed descriptions was gathered from the American Kennel Club at


Golden Retriever

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Homestead Dogs University Camp Graduate
Date of Birth March 29, 2020
Galena, Ohio
2-Week Overnight Basic Dog Obedience Training Camp
September 11, 2020
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Comet | Galena Maltese

Comet is a Maltese from Galena, Ohio and a graduate of the Homestead Dogs 2-week Overnight Basic Dog Obedience Training Camp

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Comet is a Maltese from Galena, Ohio and a graduate of the Homestead Dogs 2-week Overnight Basic Dog Obedience Training Camp. Cool, Comet!


Ye Ancient Dogge of Malta

The Maltese has been around for centuries. Despite this, it seems the only skills they have aquired is to look cute and how to get what they want from their humans.

The Maltese is named after Malta, a tiny island-nation in the Mediterranean Sea just south of Italy. Since humans have been sailing the Mediterranean, Malta was a common trading post amongst numerous nations for various commodities like spices, silks, gemstones and a furry little white dog.

Unfortunately, due to its strategic location and small size, Malta was the victim of several conquerers including the Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs and Normans. It’s the Phoenicians that are believed to have introduced the Maltese to Malta and from there were traded to seafarers the world over.

Ancient Greeks were fascinated with the “Melitaie Dog”, commonly depicting them in artwork, ceramics and even building tombs for them.

During the Roman Empire, the Maltese became a status symbol and fashion statement for the aristocrats. A Roman lady wasn’t fully dressed without one. As the Roman Empire began to crumble, so, too, did the Maltese population, but they managed to find their way to China. Here, the Chinese bred the Maltese with their native toy dogs to create Maltese we know today.

The Maltese eventually worked their way back to Europe. In 1877, they were introduced at New York’s first Westminster Dog Show as the Maltese Lion Dog.

Trainability: B
Maltese are very intelligent canines and are very accustomed to being around humans. Like most dogs, they respond well to positive training strategies, but they can be a little stubborn at times. Due to their small size, they don’t need a lot of exercise. Generally a run-around the back yard or even inside will suffice.

Maltese are athletic and commonly do well in agility and obedience feats.

Read more about the Maltese at the American Kennel Club and the American Maltese Association.

Some of the information used for the dog breed descriptions was gathered from the American Kennel Club at



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Homestead Dogs University Camp Graduate
Date of Birth April 30, 2019
Galena, Ohio
2-Week Overnight Basic Dog Obedience Training Camp
August 28, 2020
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Mike-Mike | Galena Chihuahua

Mike-Mike is a Chihauhau from Galena, Ohio participating in the 2 week overnight dog training program

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Mike-Mike is a Chihuahua from Galena, Ohio who graduated from the Homestead Dogs 2-week Basic Obedience Dog Training Camp on April 17, 2020. Congratulations Mike-Mike!


The intelligent little Chihuahua is a national symbol of Mexico and is one of the oldest breeds of the Americas. But their complete history is a mystery. Images of dogs very similar to the Chihuahua have been found on artifacts of ancient civilizations around the world.

The Aztecs are credited with creating the Chihuahua we know today. The Aztecs are believed to have refined the Techichi breed they found after over-throwing the Toltec people in the 12th century. The breed was believed lost after it’s second civilization was killed off by the Cortez invasion in the 16th century, but managed to find salvation in smaller, remote villages throughout the region.

By the time Americans became infactuated with the breed in the mid-1800’s, they had worked their way up to the northern Mexico. In their search, the Americans found a bunch of Chihuahuas just across the Texas border in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

The little Chihuahua can be fragile. Jumps from seemingly short distances can be hazardous, for instance, even stairs and furniture. Children and toddlers can also be hazardous with air-borne objects and toys to rough-housing and even food droppings all being potentially fatal.

Numerous foods and beverages can be toxic to Chihuahuas, including, fruits, vegetables, cafinated or alcoholic beverages, raw bread dough and cooked fat trimmings and chicken bones.

Chihuahuas maintain a higher metabolism than most breeds and should eat high-quality dog foods. Puppies should always have access to food to prevent hypoglycemia. The Chihuahua Club of America recommends having a nutrient supplement like, Nutri-cal, Nutri-stat or VitaCal on hand before you bring your Chihuahua puppy home. A high-stressed or under nurished Chihuahua puppy can quickly become afflicted with hypoglycemia if not closely monitored. Chihuahua puppies can also be succeptible to cold.

Trainability: B-
The Chihuahua is highly intelligent…maybe too intelligent. Quick to learn, if not careful, the trainer becomes the trainee.

To learn more about the Chihuahua, visit the Chihuahua Club of America.

Some of the information used for the dog breed descriptions was gathered from the Chihuahua Club of America and the American Kennel Club at



Homestead Dogs University Camp Graduate
Date of Birth June 5, 2014
April 17, 2020
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